Bali Jungle Trekking

Bali Jungle Trekking

Trekking in Bali in the Forest or Jungle to See and Enjoy the Nature of Bali

Bali Jungle Trekking is Trekking in Bali to enjoy the trek in to the jungle or forest in Bali islands with professional and friendly Bali Trekking Guide. Trek in to the tropical mountain rain forest near the lake, where flora and fauna thrive. Experience crossing the calm lake waters in a canoe. Venturing into another world under the canopy of enormous trees we encounter the wide variety of flora thriving in this unique environment: orchids, ferns, palms, fungi, vines, creepers, strangling figs and ground cover.
The delightful sounds of abundant birdlife are constant and only the clamour of monkeys interrupts their melodies. Beautifully coloured butterflies flitter through undergrowth, squirrels scurry from branch to branch in the canopy and occasionally, and miniature deer are seen on the track leading through the rainforest. Our experienced Bali Trekking guide leads you through this wonderful world of nature pointing out plants and flowers of interest, explaining their benefits to mankind and to local fauna and stops to show you the best views in the area.
After Trekking through the rainforest we will arrive at another ancient temple on the edge of the lake and have a short rest and snack/fruit break. We then trek along the lakeside and get a different view of the flora and fauna living in this stunning environment. We pass through a very traditional village and stop to say hello to the locals before reaching our vehicles.

Bali Jungle Trekking

Bali Jungle Trekking Price:

Adult: US $ 56
Children: US $ 44
Family (2 Ad + 2 Ch): US $ 200

Note: Minimal 2 person

Bali Jungle Trekking Pick Up Time
Nusa Dua / Jimbaran
08.00 – 08.15
08.00 – 08.15
08.00 – 08.15
08.00 – 08.15

What to Bring during Bali Jungle Trekking:

  • Hiking shoes
  • Jacket
  • Long pants

  • Bring only what you need, the rest leave them in your hotel.
  • Some cash for tipping the guide and driver is recommended.

Terms and Conditions:
  • Booking in advance required
  • Cancelation Fee 50% will be surcharged if our transport has been waiting at the lobby

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